Our Most Difficult Trial
Job 33:1-33
“So why are you bringing a charge against him? Why say he does not respond to people’s complaints?” (Job 33:13)
Job is frustrated and says that God is not responding. He wants to know why he is sick and has lost so much of value in property and lives. And sadly, many of us suffer similarly.
There are very few of us who can say, “I completely trust that God has this in hand. It’ll all work out alright. I trust God to handle it.” Most of us want to have control over our lives.
Job wanted to know why he was suffering. In previous chapters, we sense his frustration.
Elihu claimed to have the answer for Job’s biggest question, “Why doesn’t God tell me what is happening?” Elihu told Job that God was trying to answer him, but Job was not listening.
Elihu misjudged God. The Infinite was listening! If God were to answer all our questions, we would not be adequately tested. What if God had said, “Job, Satan’s going to test you and afflict you, but in the end you’ll be healed and get everything back”? Job’s greatest test was not the pain; his test was going through the experience of not knowing why he was suffering, and keeping faith in God never-the-less.
Your greatest test may be that you must trust God’s goodness even though you probably do not understand why your life is going a certain way.
We each must learn to trust in God, who is good. Don’t trust in “The World” because The World is likely to betray you!
The questions you are facing are mostly like part of God’s actions in testing you and building your faith.
In some way you must discover for yourself how to trust the unknown and unseen God without knowing the answers to your questions. You must accept that you will pass through this trial, to find true comfort and contentment in your faith and personal theology.
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