Final War At The Starting Gate – download free


Apparently the greatest event ever to occur in the universe was prophesied in Matthew 24. It was Christ’s most pivotal prophecy when He walked among us. But Christians fail to understand it! Today you’ll discover the truths that will set you free.

Dr. Stephen Newdell


What can you imagine would make babies born sane, grow up to be Narcissistic lunatics, Ruthless murderers; HELL Bent on launching an unwinnable Nuclear Exchange?  Only Demons, sent from Hell, I imagine,  and that is what modern politics is really about. Behind the dark suits and silk ties are demon possessed men and women who wield horrendous power and soldiers so demon influence they’ll do as they’re ordered, even knowing that they are preparing to destroy this planet. That is what I suppose must be true.

Matthew chapter 24 is the most important prophecy that Jesus Christ proclaimed at His first coming. Mark 13 and Luke 21 also have their version of this prophecy. It appears Matthew has the most complete prophecy. When you understand it you’ll see the future more clearly and recognize the great gift brought to you when you finish the last pages of this book.

Download The Rest



From Hal L. Green, Retired, former Vice President NBC in Washington DC. He is an old, retired, famous journalist who virtually “lived” in the oval office from 1945 – though 1969. Operated radio stations for RCA, ABC and later NBC Radio and TV: 

Well, I am halfway through the book. I am overwhelmed. I’ve told you before you are a very good writer and a very bright guy who expresses himself so very well.
 This book proves it. It is outstanding. Your use of an assembly of scriptures and tying them against the weirdness and strangeness of all that’s happening around us these days does a wonderful job in bringing the scriptures to life as relates to today, right now.
I asked if I could apply his kind note and he wrote back:  
Yes, go ahead of course. I truly like how you write and what you have to say. I believe it’s very timely and well presented.
 and a note from his brother Earl:

This is what my brother wrote about your book.

——– Original message ——–
From: “C. Earl Green”
Date: 12/2/19 11:25 AM (GMT-07:00)
To: Hal Green
Subject: New book

I read the entire book. Very thought-provoking, insightful, instructional, and down to earth. He is an excellent writer with great knowledge. The world needs more of his kind.

I am so honored to have this complement from HLG and his brother. I hope you will make time to download and read this piece and visit our advertisers as a way to compensate me for the weeks of work I did to make it available to you FREE.  sn

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